Phoenix Area Asbestos Removal

Phoenix-metro area asbestos removal

How Is Asbestos Removal Regulated:

  • OSHA - Our entire team is educated by OSHA trainers to safely remove asbestos from homes and commercial properties.

  • EPA - Our team is trained and accredited to meet EPA standards.

  • County-specific air quality district rules & regulations.

Asbestos Abatement Process: The only way to know if a structure contains asbestos is to remove a sample and test by a competent laboratory. If the sample tests positive (or “hot”), Desert Dry is trained to physically remove the contaminated material, following OSHA & EPA recommended guidelines.

Desert Dry only works with top testing labs in the Phoenix-metro area.

We commit to a quick turnaround time to get our construction partners back to work and tenants safely into their homes or businesses.